The Great Theater

Wielki Teatr | Documentary | PL | 30'

The Great Theater

The Great Theater

Made with great pomp and circumstance, the film is a study of the Polish opera scene located at the Great Theatre. The camera follows the preparations for the performance of Madame Butterfly directed by Mariusz Treliński. But this documentary impression does not focus on the interviews with artists or larger fragments of Puccini’s composition. The spectator has an opportunity to observe how the aura of the place and the people permeates into the performance arising before his very eyes. The characters are not opera singers but the technical staff hidden behind huge decorations.

Directed by: Slawomir Batyra
Script: Slawomir Batyra
Cinematography: Krzysztof Gromek
Music: Giacomo Puccini, Dominik Kowalczyk
Editing: Daniel Sokołowski
Production: Adam Sokolowski

Date: 2016

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