His Parents' Eyes

Szülei szeme | Documentary | HU | 90'

His Parents' Eyes

His Parents' Eyes

Ferike has a dream: when she grows up, she will collect the money for her parents’ surgery so that they can regain their eyesight and be able to see just like him. For the time being, he accompanies them in their daily life. He assists them everywhere: in a shop, on the way to work, in a museum or the zoo. The parents do their best to have the son enjoy his childhood just like his peers and, at the same time, not move too far away from them. Climbing trees is out of the question. The documentary follows the life of a blind couple who, despite social prejudice, decided to have a child.

Directed by: Ágota Varga
Script: Á. Varga
Cinematography: Károly Markert
Music: Performed by K. Farkas & Ferike Császár
Sound design: Sándor Faludi
Editing: Károly Szalai
Cast: Ferenc Császár, Győző Császár, Katalin Farkas, Ferenc Farkas and partner
Production: Ágota Varga

Date: 2015

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