Unfortune Teller

Fiction | PL | 26'

Unfortune Teller

Unfortune Teller

Dorota is a clairvoyant. She works at the Institute of Physics during the day and attends the meetings of Anonymous Clairvoyants in the evening, where she tries to gain control over her gift. Matters become complicated when she meets Szprot, a young criminal from the neighbourhood. Dorota is not quite able to precisely interpret her vision of a new friend. Now, she will have to cope with both the images from the past and her own emotions.

Directed by: Joanna Satanowska
Script: Joanna Satanowska
Cinematography: Przemysław Jękosz
Music: Joanna Satanowska
Editing: Nikodem Chabior
Production: Marcin Malatyński

Date: 2016

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