
Świadkowie | Documentary | PL | 26'

On 30 June 1946 the eyes of the entire world were focused on Poles. This time, however, they were not the victims but the perpetrators of a horrible crime. Soon after the experience of the Holocaust, in Kielce, the local population murdered 42 Jews who had survived the Shoah and moved to live in one house together. Łoziński goes back to Kielce after many years and talks to the witnesses of those events. Mixing facts with rumours in their accounts, they, at the same time, reveal a picture full of compassion and prejudice.

Directed by: Marcel Łoziński
Script: Marcel Łoziński
Cinematography: Jacek Petrycki
Music: Danuta Zankowska
Editing: Marcel Łoziński

Date: 1986

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