Waiting for Waves and Particles

Documentary | RUS | 77'

Waiting for Waves and Particles

Waiting for Waves and Particles

It is not easy to achieve success when you are a scientist as predicting the destination of the path you have chosen may be hard. Many a time you have to spend years, decades or even your entire life on research and never is there a guarantee that it will produce satisfying results. Waiting for the Waves and Particles tells a story of three renowned Russian physicists, Valentina Rudenko, Andrei Rostovtsev and Sergei Troitsky, and their research of the waves and particles that may change the understanding of the universe.

Directed by: Dmitry Zavilgelskiy
Script: Dmitry Zavilgelskiy, Sergey Popov
Animated by: Dmitry Geller
Cinematography: Irina Uralskaya, Sergei Petriga
Music: Evgeniy Kadimskiy
Editing: Dmitry Zavilgelskiy, Uriy Geddert
Production: Olga Chapochnikova

Date: 2015

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